Thursday, June 25, 2009


THE movie was released (Transformers 2) and with out posting any spoilers, I will say this. Absolutely. Loved. It! Every minute of the 2 and a half hours, it was filled with non-stop action, edge of your seat ride! I might be a bit biases though...and a bit of a geek kitteh. Here is a play by play of how the movie would have been if I was the leading fuzzy character.

This is Brawl. In the movie however they changed his name to Devastator. He turns into a tank. Watch my ninja kitty skills as I take out the Decepticons! (the bad robits)
Oh nose! I had to eat his foot. That will teach them to mess with Mr. Beezle Cat-bot!


  1. Aww, Beezle! He's still standing up though!


  2. We think they ought to have found a role for you in the movie, Beezle!

  3. We fink dat you is a good actor an' a brave kitty, too. WOWZA!

  4. haha, that is a very bad robot. i will come help you destroy it if you want. my mommy was looking at your flickr and saw that you make yarn. she has saved some of my brother masons(a pomeranian)fur from brushing him. about a trashbag full and was wondering if your mom would make her some yarn out of it. then she can knit me a sweater or hat and i can wear my brother. i think it would be cool. just let us know. thanks for being our friend. i hope that when i grow up i am as handsome of a mancat as you are! :)

  5. woah is this like from the directors cut

  6. Beezle, I think you need a few more moves to wipe him off of his feet!

  7. Thank you for your review Beezle. I will have to tell Mom and my Daddy and maybe they will take me to see it!

  8. Our Auntie and cousins just went to see that yesterday! They said it was awesome!

  9. You are very good at taking down bad robots, Beezle.

  10. We are glad we know a Beezlebot... stop by today, we gots your picture up for Friends Friday.

  11. Hi Beezle! We read about you over at Zoolatry and wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves.... we are The Creek Cats! We love company, so stop in and see us sometime!

  12. We read about you on Zoolatry and had to come and visit! You are so floofy!!!! Please come and visit uSSSSS!!!
